On Sunday 2 July, SV’s Chris and Jess attended the Haven House Summer Fair.
It was a beautiful day for the event and there was a fabulous turnout!
While we have worked with Haven House Children’s Hospice for the past three years, supporting their London Marathon runners, this was our first time attending the annual fair. There was plenty for the kids to enjoy - everything from facepainting and animal balloons to the trampoline and playground.
The adults were well taken care of too, with a Pimm’s tent and SV treatments for a donation to Haven House. We had the perfect set-up under the large trees in Haven House's front yard, creating an enjoyable setting for treatments.
We were able to help individuals by answering questions about their injuries, as well as provide individual treatments. Overall the SV team raised £141 for Haven House! Thank you to everyone who came to visit us!
We look forward to attending future Haven House events, whether it be fairs, races or information nights, where we can continue to help raise funds, which will support the families using the hospice.
If you are training for an event and raising funds for a charity close to your heart, we want to help! Please get in contact with the SV Sports Therapy team by contacting jessica@svsportstherapy.com and see how we can help!