Happy 12th Year Anniversary to us! Thank you for all your support, we absolutely love serving you all and feel so blessed you trust us with your healthcare. Here’s to many more happy years!
Carly, our assistant clinic manager asked Sophie some probing questions about the last 12 years.....
Q. Favourite/most memorable event SV have worked at over the last 12 years?
A. Every year supporting our clients and other runners at The London Marathon. We stand at mile 25 and cheer them on. It's honestly my favourite day of the year, the happiness, love and emotion of the day is simply wonderful!
Q. What's the biggest lesson you've learned over the years?
A. Every person is different. We all heal differently. A textbook is a textbook. A person is a person. Listen to the person.
Q. What's the best thing about your job?
A. Serving people to improve the quality of their life. Watching and hearing their life become enhanced. Achieving goals - whether this be to walk pain free after a knee replacement, to run a PB in a race or to improve their migraine symptoms.
Q. Favourite injury to treat?
A. Shoulder impingement. This is where a particular tendon called the Supraspinatus tendon becomes impinged in the ball and socket joint and can create absolute havoc. It is very common and the mechanism of injury can be due to so many things - the dog pulling too hard on the lead, a gym exercise movement that's gone wrong, breastfeeding and picking up your baby repetitively. I enjoy improving the shoulder function, strengthening the shoulder and the client seeing positive pain free results.
Q. What keeps you motivated?
A. Great question! Life keeps me motivated. Opportunities, hope, success, love. How lucky are we to be alive. Yes of course there are struggles, and sometimes these struggles are monumental. But I really value life, precious. And practice gratitude!
Q. What's in store next for SV?!
A. Gosh Carly, another great question! Well we are on a recruit drive. And it has been hard. This year I am yet to find the next special Therapist to join our bespoke team. I am proud to say 'not just anyone' gets to join SV. There needs to be something special about them. I'm hopeful this will be soon.
I have also just heavily invested in a new electrotherapy treatment machine. Those that I have served know I am very hands-on, manual based, so it takes a lot for me to be convinced into any type of electrotherapy machine to help my clients' pain. And I've found the right one. Watch this space.
Other than that, we continue to do what we love, to serve our amazing clients, to improve their painful symptoms, to improve the quality of their life, to support them as they navigate their way through their life and to ensure they are moving as best as they can and achieving their goals. Here's to the next 12 years!
