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London Marathon - Before, during and after!

It's our favourite day of the year!

The SV Team have had the pleasure of serving runners for numerous races including, of course the London Marathon. It is always an honour when new and existing clients come to us for support and guidance for their journey into these amazing events. We specialise in supporting runners for long distance and marathons and pride ourselves in supporting clients every step of the way and beyond!

So how does it work?


We invite clients to book in at the start of their training block for preventative appointments and/or they will book in for injury or pain.

We serve them right up to and beyond marathon day!

In the week leading up to the marathon, we send out good luck messages through social media to show our support.

We also release our marathon tips in the weeks leading up to the marathon through our newsletter SV Pulse and our socials.


Typically, we are there every year to support our clients through the whole race and soak up the amazing atmosphere, even some of the younger members of the team! We will shout out words of encouragement if we spot you, look out for our flag!


We celebrate your clients amazing achievements by sending out hand- written congratulations cards and individual congratulations posts on our social media! We also bring all of our clients medal pics together into our 'Hall of Fame'. Which we proudly display on our website.

We also encourage our clients to book in for a post marathon sports massage the week following the race for your legs or for any other injuries that you developed during the race. We can then assess, diagnose and treat the injury and get you back on track!

SV Sports Therapy are here to support your London Marathon Journey and we would love to serve you! Call 0203 494 4343, email or you can book online here


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