Sophie and SV Sports Therapy are proud members of Epping Forest Business Group (EFBG).
EFBG is a group of like-minded people who meet every Thursday morning at West Essex Golf Club to discuss business-related topics and enjoy a healthy breakfast together.
Chairwoman Joanna Toloczko from Meaby and Co Solicitors says:
"We would love to welcome you as a visitor to one of our Thursday morning breakfast meetings. Come and meet a supportive bunch of people in a relaxed atmosphere over a tasty breakfast. Don’t worry if you are new to networking; we will look after you and the first breakfast is on us. Most of our visitors are a bit nervous to begin with but enjoy their first meeting so much that they end up joining."
To come and join Sophie and the rest of the group for a lovely breakfast, contact admin@efbg.co.uk.
To find out more about EFBG, visit efbg.co.uk