John is a marathon vet! He has completed 29 marathons all over the world and leads the Orion Harriers' marathon training group. His advice is highly valued among many runners so don’t miss out on this opportunity to read his top marathon training tips!
Training Tips
Get your running trainers from a running shop that offers gait analysis to help get the right running footwear for you and your marathon
Build your training distance and effort gradually with no more than 10% increase in distance each week
Join a running club, they will help you with training ideas and routes and make those long runs much more unmissable and enjoyable
As race day gets closer, set out your realistic pace and finish time target based on how well training has gone and have a pace plan
Tips For Hydration & Nutrition
As your long run distances increase, be prepared to carry and drink fluids on the run
Experiment with types of drinks and energy gels to suit your taste
The night before a long run, hydrate well and have a carb-loaded evening meal to fuel the next day's long run
Race Tips
Do not wear anything new on race day
Layout all gear, including race number, timing chip and running clothes the night before
Get to the start in good time to rest up, get changed and load your clothing bag on the collection trucks – no need to rush
When the race starts, you will feel fantastic and raring to go! Biggest tip! Remember your pace plan set in training and follow it; if you are faster than your plan in the first few miles, slow down. Run within yourself in the first half of your marathon and you will have a much better time in the second half.
During the race, look around and take it all in. Remember it is a fantastic achievement to have trained well and gotten to the start line of the London Marathon. Bank the memory and enjoy the experience.