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How to leave us a review...

Have you worked with a therapist at SV Sports Therapy and feel like showing your appreciation?

Receiving a glowing review from a client not only makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside, but it could also let someone else know that they will receive great treatment at SV.

There are a few ways you can leave us a review...

1) Google Review

Click the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser:

NB To leave a Google Review, you need to have a Google account.

Using a PC

If you're using a PC, on the right-hand side of your screen you will see a Google Business box for SV Sports Therapy; in the lower half of this box you will see a button saying “Write a review”. Please click this button.

You will then be asked to click the number of stars you wish to award and type a short review of your experience at SV Sports Therapy.

Click “Post”.

Using a mobile

If you're using a mobile device, the Google Business box will be the first item shown. Click on the blue arrow at the bottom of the box and scroll down to the section labelled “Rate and review”.

You will then need to select the number of stars you wish to award prior to writing your review.

Click “Post”.

2) Facebook Review

Visit our Facebook page:

Using a PC

If you're using a PC, click on the "Reviews" button on the left hand side.

Select the number of stars you wish to award and another box will pop up for you to write your review. Once this is completed click “Done”.

Using a mobile

If you're using a mobile device, click “Reviews” located just below our current star rating. Select the number of stars you wish to award and another box will pop up for you to write your review. Once this is completed click “Done”.

3) Email Us A Review

You can always email us your review if you don't use Google or Facebook. With your permission, we will then post this in the Testimonials section of our website and share it on our social media channels.

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